Matrix as an Exchange Traded Fund(ETF)

Bassey Goodluck
4 min readJan 15, 2022


What is a crypto currency ETF

An ETF that invests in cryptocurrencies is known as a cryptocurrency exchange traded fund (ETF). A cryptocurrency ETF measures the price of one or more digital tokens, whereas other ETFs track an index or a basket of assets. The share price of cryptocurrency ETFs swings on a daily basis based on investor sales and purchases.

How Cryptocurrency ETF works?

Cryptocurrency ETFs offer investors a number of advantages, including decreased cryptocurrency ownership fees and the elimination of the steep learning curve required to trade cryptocurrencies.

The price of an ETF share is based on derivatives rather than actual cryptocurrency prices. If a result, as the price of futures contracts rises, so does the price of shares in a cryptocurrency ETF. It decreases as a result of the decrease. Synthetic cryptocurrency ETFs, like other derivatives, pose additional risk because their activities are not necessarily transparent.

Common types of ETFs available today

The bulk of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are index-based, meaning they try to duplicate a specific index or benchmark. These indexes could be based on equities, such as the Hang Seng, or on bonds, such as the S&P 500. An index ETF tries to track index performance by holding all or a representative sample of the index, regardless of the underlying asset.

Equity ETF

ETFs that track an index of stocks are known as equity ETFs. You can invest in ETFs that cover huge companies, small companies, or stocks from a certain country. Equity ETFs also allow you to target industries that are performing well at the time, such as technology or banking, making them a popular choice.

Commodity ETFs

ETFs, which are often less accessible than stocks, are a great way to gain exposure to commodities such as gold, silver and oil. These are. attractive alternatives to equities for further diversifying portfolios and risks. However, commodity ETFs may be less transparent than index and equity ETFs. Like gold, they often do not own the underlying asset directly, but instead use derivatives. Derivatives duplicate the underlying asset price of a product, but can carry greater risks, such as: Example: Counterparty risk than an ETF that owns the underlying asset directly.

Currency ETFs

Currency ETFs. invest in. a single currency such as the US dollar or a basket of currencies. ETFs either invest directly in currencies, use derivatives, or use a combination of both. Derivatives can increase the risk of ETFs, so you need to know what you’re buying. Buy currency ETFs if you think the underlying currency is likely to be strengthened, or if you want to protect or hedge your investment portfolio. Some ETFs investing in foreign markets can already “hedge” currency risk.

Benefits of Cryptocurrency ETFs

Cryptocurrency ETFs are an early asset class and their markets are still defined given. regulatory uncertainty. However, they can be one of the best tools for owning cryptocurrencies. Some of the benefits of owning a stake in a cryptocurrency ETF are:

  • The biggest advantage of cryptocurrency ETFs is that they provide exposure to. crypto at no additional cost of ownership. Physical ownership of cryptocurrencies comes with a number of additional costs. For example, there are storage fees associated with cryptocurrencies. There is also an annual fee for a secure digital wallet to store your purchased cryptocurrencies. These charges are a decent annual total.
  • * Owning cryptocurrencies also entails other hidden fees such as transaction fees and network fees. Cryptocurrency ETFs outsource this spending to ETF providers. Cryptocurrency ETF stocks provide access to a fast-growing asset class at a fraction of the actual cost of buying a crypto. In recent years, the prices of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, have skyrocketed. They are almost inaccessible to the average investor.
  • * Cryptocurrency ETFs are an affordable alternative for investors looking to invest money in an asset class. Consider the following situation. Bitcoin prices began at $ 29,405.12 in 2021, soared to a peak of $ 63,569 in April and then plummeted to $ 35,045 by the end of June. It ranged from $ 10.09 to $ 6.44. A large investment in ETFs would have brought great profits to traders.
  • * Cryptocurrency jargon that permeates its technological foundation remains a permanent barrier to the adoption of cryptocurrencies. It is difficult for the average investor to understand the scope and mechanics of cryptocurrencies. Investors unfamiliar with technology may find that cryptospeaks such as half and blockchain are very tight learning curves. When investing in cryptocurrency ETFs, analysts offload the learning curve.
  • * Cryptocurrencies have been hacked repeatedly since their inception, raising great questions about the security of new asset classes. Ensuring the. security of cryptocurrencies can be a difficult order for individual investors who are unfamiliar with how they work. Cryptocurrency ETFs outsource security features to their. ETF providers.

Matrix as an ETF

Matrix ETF is a next-generation exchange-traded fund (ETF) platform that supports cross-chain transactions. Its goal is to help users build their own decentralized, automated, personalized and diversified cross-chain ETF portfolios, lowering barriers for regular users to enter the crypto market and bureaucratically. Entering through a simple process and enabling long-term diversified strategic involvement. Stable.

Matrix Dao, a decentralized community autonomous organization, manages the Matrix ETF platform. As the foundation of a platform company, MatrixDao established a number of major theoretical ETF funds, then gradually moved to community sovereignty, choosing to. design and execute ETF products together. The ideal goal is to allow community members to make decisions regardless of the platform’s growth or future direction.

MatrixETF will introduce a series of hypothetical ETFs to follow the tokens in the blockchain sector and DeFi, based on the overall performance of the cryptocurrency market.


The exchange-traded fund (ETF) platform of the future, Matrix ETF, facilitates cross-chain transactions. Its objective is to assist users in creating their own decentralized, automated, customized, and diversified cross-chain ETF portfolios, hence removing administrative and financial barriers for common consumers to participate in the cryptocurrency market. allowing for long-term, varied strategic involvement and allowing entry through a straightforward process

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